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1.1 Company Structure

This section will focus on your company’s legal structure, how it is filed, and your company’s industry classification.

This section will focus on your company’s business bank account, helping you to establish one with a banking checklist and explaining the important of bank ratings.

This section will focus on your company’s overall branding through having a professional business phone number and voicemail, as well as company logo, website and professional email.

Overall Progress
2.1 Dun & Bradstreet

Dun & Bradstreet: It is important that you completely understand what you are doing with D&B before you get started and complete the following topics in order.

Experian: When working with Experian Business, there are a number of steps to build a strong foundation for your company’s credit file.

Equifax: Not as well-known as D&B and Experian, but equally as important is your Equifax Commercial report.

SBFE: The Small Business Financial Exchange (SBFE) is the hub of all bank contributed data about your company that is shared with the business credit bureaus.

LexisNexis: The newest player in business credit reports and widely used by creditors for verifying information about your company.

Other Bureaus: These smaller players in the business credit world, while less significant, are worth looking at in the event you should encounter one or more of them in your business credit journey.

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